Monday, September 05, 2005

Heart's Beats

I was at China Black Saturday night. (FYI, Esmond doesn't club often; it's just the PMS) Another one of my “friend’s friend’s” birthday party. Didn’t enjoy it one bit. Music wasn’t my type, the crowd wasn’t right. The majority of people there were like 18, 19? My gosh, pathetic! Not that I have any grudges with the youths, but when there’s so many of them, I just felt out of place.

I was doing two things last night after coming home. One, thinking of someone dear to me. Actually, it can’t be called “thinking” because this person is constantly on my mind. Two, watching “House” on AXN.

You know whenever there’s some medical show, there’s bound to be the monotonous machine that goes “DOOOoooooo” when the person dies? It’s so stereotypical. This lead me to wander about people’s heart beats. If you noticed by now, Esmond just thinks too much! He needs some rest!

Well, I was lying in my rainbow-colored bed, pitch black and quiet. (I really love my sheets; they were a present to me.) I listened hard; listened intently. That’s when I slowly heard my own heart beats. Nothing spectacular, just the sound of constant thumping. I stayed still in my crouched position for fear that I may lose the “angle” to hear the beats.

Whilst in that motionless recline, thoughts of my special friend started to flood my mind again. After awhile, I was just solely thinking of her. The beats, however were still there. Then suddenly, I heard an extra beat! (Serious!) Could I have heard wrongly? Maybe it’s the alcohol? I waited for it. Again, the off beat came! The beats started to become more obvious, gradually getting louder concurrently. This went on for about a min or so. The off beats got so overpowering that I could no longer hear my physical heart beats. I knew these weren’t my physical heart beats for they were much faster and inconsistent. It felt like they were beating at my every thought; the stronger the thought, the louder and quicker the beat!

This whole escapade seems so unbelievable and impossible, but it’s true! I wasn’t asleep, dreaming or drunk either! I knew what I heard. For me, it was totally real. Try it for yourself tonight! See if you can hear these off beats too. This night I discovered something new. I finally understood why poets of past describes “my heart beats for you”. And these are the beats that will not stop even when the machine goes “DOOOoooooo”.


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