Thursday, September 23, 2004

Happy Bird Day to Me!

Opps! Did I say "Bird"? That's rather sensitive now with all that "Bird Flu" going around. Haha. Thank you everyone for your wonderful birthday wishes! It’s especially heart-warming when my phone gets bombarded with SMSes just after midnight. Sorry for the disappointment to those who have been religiously reading my posts. I have been rather busy of the late. One birthday request? “Please don’t smash the cake into my face, k?” Eggs are expensive nowadays yah?

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Your Moments - 911

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take. But by the moments that take your breath away.” - unknown
How true. The overlooking view from the top of a subdued mountain. The serenity of nature. The first time your kite took flight. When first you heard “Daddy” from your child. The smiles you drew from your loved ones. The times you cherish together. The very love and mercy of God. How many times have you had your breath taken away this week? Remember them, for they are what you really live for. For me, I’m lucky to know someone who never fails to take mine away each time our eyes meet. That's why she's my Rain. (ref: Tuesday,31 August, 2004.)
911-Sept, 11. A special dedication towards the families, friends and loved ones of all those who were lost but now are found; in His loving hands. May God keep those who still hurt in His abundant love and grace. Amen. And till all wounds are healed, remember "your moments".

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Harold and Kumar

Caught the show a few days back. Was tempted by the radio DJ’s comments that: “Finally, Hollywood has produced a film whereby the two main actors are Asian.” and “If the film succeeds, we’ll see more Asian guys that look like you and me in future Hollywood flicks!”

Basically the comedy is undeniably there. At times, the show even tickled a few tears from me. I can understand the film's rating due to the numerous instances of adult reference and slight nudity. Well, the plot is simple; the way it should be in comedies. It’s about two guys who set out a target for themselves and after much difficulties finally getting there. I believe that the producer intended sub plots of overcoming racial discrimination and over-looking others’ superficial appearances. The intricacies attempted to make the show more “plot-full” and “soul-full”; less like straight-faced dumb ass comedies.

Overall, it’s a very good effort with sufficient laughs. Partly due to my biasness towards the Asian actors, I’d say a 4 out of 5 for it’s ability to cause uncontrollable laughter and fits. By the way, the burgers in the show don’t really look as big as they ought to in the States.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Shoulder Woes

Some people sprain their ankles while playing soccer,
others sprain their wrists while playing basketball.
Yet more would sprain their backs whilst falling of a staircase,
even sprain their dicks when having sex.
At least they had fun. For me,
I sprained my left shoulder in my sleep! WTF!

In Memory of the Children in Beslan

"The official death toll stood at 335 on Monday, including the 30 attackers. The regional health ministry said 326 of the dead had been hostages, and the Emergency Situations Ministry said 156 of the dead were children."

My heart goes out especially to the innocent children in Russia. May God keep them safe from eternal torment, guide them through the valley of shadow of death and comfort them with thy guiding staff. Amen.

Flags are flown at half staff in Moscow's Kremlin on Monday after President Vladimir Putin declared Sept 6 and 7 as days of mourning.
 Posted by Hello

Monday, September 06, 2004


Try putting in "esmond ng shui kang" and "25" and woohoo! I am a stunning 99% sexy. Yahoo!!!

Click here to check how sexy u really are!

I don’t have the whole year!

What are these people doing? It took them one noisy Sunday morning to take apart everything but forever to put them back! The only thing in place is the new meter to keep check of water usage. So go on, charge me for the water but please, remember to conceal the ugly “George of the Jungle” swings! Thank you. Your delayed response and lack of responsibility are very much appreciated.

"George of the Jungle" Swings! Posted by Hello

Sunday, September 05, 2004

A new Direction

My new steering wheel. Nice? Posted by Hello

Well, the past few weeks have really been the most enlightening phase of my life. I have set new goals to achieve for myself (in terms of work)! Hooray! No longer a lost sheep. God bless my new direction! Special thanks to Karan for her sharings which helped me find new motivations.

Proof of Flu

Proof that Flu is really contagious! Posted by Hello

Saturday, September 04, 2004

A story about Grapes

Grapes are generally sweet and pleasant; the delicacy amongst the already palatable. However, around these gorgeous creations of God lie vines which tangle and twist; detesting and cumbersome.

I first heard of Grapevines some good 7 years ago. Little mentioned and quickly left forsaken. Yet yesterday, the power of Grapevines dawned on me like lightning strike. Loosely defined, it means the passage of information through channels of informal communication. Then I realized how easy it was for someone to find out something about me through yet another. A simple lunch meeting with my ex-girlfriend was brought by up another friend who did not witness the gathering. The blowing of my one club member’s speakers while “showing off” was communicated to me although I was not present. Be it gossip or just innocent chat, the Grapevine does exist and has its value in our society.

How then can we managed this instrument to our advantage or diminish it’s damage to our reputation? One with a scheming mind will probably be a master at this. I believe that we ought to foremost know that our every movement and language is being watched constantly; whether we know it, like it or not. Like stealing honey from bees, we should be mindful of our actions and words. Someone, somewhere will hear of it! In order to enjoy the “grapes” instead of entangling in the “vines”, must we always be cautious and put up bulwarks? What society is this then, when we cannot freely express ourselves without worry? What has the world we live in become? It is scary, truly scary.

Esmond's very own quote of the day:
"Good news travel, bad ones God Speed."

Thursday, September 02, 2004

A Biggy to all Teachers!

Can’t say anything bad about them I guess. It’s the only time of the year that they are truly appreciated and remembered. Honestly, teachers are so called because they teach. Not so in the syllabic sense but more so as they shape the course of our lives. I’m glad to be who I am and mighty proud of it, may I say. So a big “Thank You” to all u wonderful people who choose to live life with an underpaid cause. If flowery words can’t describe how grateful I am, then I shan’t use any! From the depths of my withins, “Love Ya All”!

Here's a special shoutout to Miss Koh P T of Ngee Ann, for her undying passion and dedication in reshaping our previously boxed minds!