Had another dear friend who used to leave this as her nick in MSN. “Everyone goes through storms before finding their Rainbows.” (Source: Unknown) I actually quite agree with that statement. Personally, I found it very encouraging and empowering especially if you’re feeling blue.
Then, I realized an exception to this. What happens if you didn’t go through any storms? What happens if you just happen to walk past one after the storms had past? Does it mean it’s any less of a Rainbow?
It’s human to err. More so, it’s human to neglect and take for granted the lovely things and people around us each and every second. Often, we don’t appreciate them until they’re no longer there. Sometimes, we don’t even see them at all!
There are more Rainbows amongst us than we think. A lot of the time, we get so fixated on wanting to make something a Rainbow, we fail to see the apparent ones around us. We get so resolute on creating a miracle with someone or something that we just can’t see the other marvels occurring besides us. Hence, Esmond’s very own quote for November:
“Question: How do you find the prettiest Rainbows?
Answer: By looking past and around them instead.”
~ © Esmond Ng 04/11/05

My attempt at creating a Rainbow!

Concise Painting Synopsis:
(Arcylic on canvas, gloss vanish.)
Whilst planning, there were a couple of crucial elements for this painting. The proportions, textures and colors.
If you notice, there’s a very distinct separation between the black and the blue background. Similarly, people often see things in very clear cut situations of right and wrong, true or false, good or bad, et cetera. The picture is cropped. In the original painting, the black area takes up three quarters of the space; signifying that humans mostly like to perceive situations as “pessimistic” more.
On the dark side, texture is very cross-sectional and intentionally messy. Even the rainbow here is staggered and broken. This coincides with the confusion and stress on the moody area. The clear skies are nicely blue and white with smooth circular strokes. The rainbow over on this side is defined and congruent. When things seem bad or hopeless, look forward and you may see your Rainbow. The signature is in bright yellow; suggesting that hopefully, I may be of sunshine to others.