Thursday, May 26, 2005

I thAnk u for wAd u R t0 Mi, aNd tHis spEciaLly foR Ya :

Got this from someone's testimonial in friendster. The person who sent it really appreciated her friend. You can tell by the testimonials that she left. Found it a really nice and complete way to describe "friendships".
“Friendships come n friendships go,
Some r real n some are jus for show.
The friendship between us,
Is no mad fuss.
We've had our differences,
I learnt n let go.
I'm glad I did cause now I know.
Friends r there through thick n thin,
To make u happy, smile n grin.
They r there to stick up for u when
others r there to hurt,
They wont disappoint u behind your
back or talk any dirt.
Friends r there to brighten the days
that seem so rough,
They r there to share happiness when
things r no longer tough.
They r there to talk about guys u like
n dont,
And they wont go after a man u like-
never will n wont.
A friend is someone special u can
confide in n trust,
Everyone needs people like this in
their life,
as it’s a definite must.
A friend is someone u can talk to each
n every day,
And that U can believe in evarithin
they say.
I'm glad to have know someone, who is
all of these and more to,
And Well yeah...of course tt is U!"
by Ashley Williams


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