Sweet Cherry's life goes on & on & on....
Sweet Cherry's life goes on & on & on....
Dedicated to Evelynn (be careful, I know more than one!) for her continuous patronizing of my blog. Just look at the shout-box. Haha. She even visited me on friendster! Add me? Keke. Well, went to watch the “Twin Effects” (posted below) and it was a real disappointment. Followed by getting drenched in the rain cos I parked too damn far away. To make things worst, the umbrella was in the car! Have an interview bright and early tomorrow morning. Hope things go well. Will be meeting Celine and her bf, Ted tomorrow evening for dinner followed by some “business” discussions. Last but not least, my room is half-packed. What does that mean? It means my room is really half-messy! Haha. Cheers and have a good one tomorrow!
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